
Our Policy Partners

We work with external partners to provide a unified voice on policy issues impacting our sector and to maximise our policy influence and impact.

Discover our policy partners and collaborators and details of how we work together with them to advocate for the molecular biosciences and the wider science sector.

Discover the organisations from across the biosciences and wider STEM sector that we partner with.

We are a member organisation of Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE), and support their work advocating for the science and engineering sector.

We lend our voice by informing CaSE’s evidence-based reports and briefings, and have funded their work on Brexit.

Logo of the Campaign for Science and Engineering


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We are members of the European Federation of Biotechnology, and work with them to form a unified voice for biotechnology in Europe spanning academia and industry.

Logo of European Federation of Biotechnology





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We support the Foundation for Science and Technology, which provides an impartial platform for debate of policy issues related to science, research, technology or innovation by running events, a blog and a podcast.

The Foundation for Science and Technology full logo



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We are members of the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee (P&SC), an associate parliamentary committee focusing on scientific and technological issues that provides a liaison between Parliamentarians and scientific bodies, industry and academia.

The Committee runs regular meetings and events, and we provide additional support for STEM for Britain (a poster competition and exhibition for early-career scientists) as sponsor of the Bronze Medal in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences section.

Logo of the Parliamentary & Scientific Committee




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As a member organisation and strategic partner of the Royal Society of Biology (RSB), we work closely with their policy team to provide our perspective on consultations.

We participate in RSB’s Education and Science Policy Committee, and in special interest groups on animal science, plant science, and drug discovery, all of which bring together organisations from across the biology sector and provide forums for discussion on common policy issues.

We also support the organisation of RSB’s policy and parliamentary events, such as Parliamentary Links Day, Voice of the Future, and the Policy Lates series.

Logo of the Royal Society of Biology




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We support the Science Media Centre, who promote and uphold accurate reporting of science in the media by providing support to scientists engaging with the press.

Logo of the Science Media Centre


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We partner with Sense about Science, who promote public interest in sound science and evidence through their Voice of Young Science Network, events and workshops.

We support one of their Standing up for Science workshops each year to help our early career members access these opportunities.

Logo of Sense about Science





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Photo of group of people working as a team with hands in the centre Photo of group of people working as a team with hands in the centre
We are part of two cross-sector collaborations that promote or advocate for specific policy issues.

We are proud to be signatories to the Concordat for Openness on Animal Research and abide by the commitments of the Concordat to increase transparency about use of animals in research conducted by our community.

Logo of the Concordat on Openness in Animal Research in the UK

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We are part of the Learned Societies Partnership on Antimicrobial Resistance (LeSPAR), in collaboration with the Royal Society of Biology, the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, the British Pharmacological Society, the Microbiology Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the Society for Applied Microbiology.

Logos of the organisations involved in the LeSPAR collaboration





LeSPAR aims to provide a single, unified voice on antimicrobial resistance and mobilise the UK’s collective research community to enhance understanding and knowledge sharing between academia, industry, and clinicians.

Collectively, the group represents around 75,000 scientists, and is focused on taking action, championing best practice and raising awareness of the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance.

Past activities of LeSPAR have included:


  • Multi-disciplinary workshop for early career researchers on diagnostics for infectious disease - view the summary here
  • Comment on article on antibiotic course duration published in the British Medical Journal


  • Response to high-level political commitment to tackle threat of resistant infections


Photo of people with hands up in unity Photo of people with hands up in unity
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