Grants and Bursaries

Summer Vacation Studentships

The Biochemical Society's Summer Vacation Studentship scheme funds 6-week summer placements for undergraduate students in biochemistry and related subjects.

In 2022, two separate placement schemes were offered in laboratories at universities and in industry as well as online-only placements.

The lab-based scheme involved a 6-week lab placement, providing students with hands-on experience of laboratory research. The computer-based scheme focussed on skills development, involving online courses and skills-based webinars, equipping students with analytical and computational tools useful for their career progression and graduate school applications. 

Details of the 2023 scheme will be coming soon. 

Eisenthal Prize

Congratulations to Monica Smithies who won the Eisenthal prize in 2022! 

The Eisenthal prize is presented to the top awardee each year, based on their application score and post-studentship report.  

Contact us

For further information please get in touch with the Grants department.


Related grants

For additional support, find out more about our Eric Reid Fund which emphasizes progress in methodology, and a student of any year (or just finished a degree course) may be supported for this.