Grants and Bursaries

Krebs Memorial Fund

Do you plan to study for a PhD in Biochemistry or an allied biomedical science? Are you in the top 5% of PhD candidates? 

The Krebs Memorial Scholarship is offered to individuals whose very promising research career has been interrupted for extraordinary non-academic reasons and/or those ineligible for public funds. 

The scholarship is primarily intended to be a mark of exceptional academic distinction and recognition of outstanding promise; it is not a means of ‘topping up’ grants already received from other sources. 


An appeal was launched at the Biochemical Society’s meeting in December 1982 to commemorate the life and work of Sir Hans Krebs, FRS, by instituting a scholarship in biochemistry or an allied biomedical science, tenable at any British university. The generous response of many of Sir Hans’ pupils, colleagues and admirers in many countries has provided sufficient funds to allow this scholarship to be awarded. 

Next deadline

Opening Spring 2023

Images of the front covers of the Biochemist magazine

Owing to the disruptions caused by the pandemic, we were delighted to expand our PhD support to award scholarships to three outstanding individuals for the 2022–2023.

Read our latest article to find out more about our winners. 

2022 Awardees

To be eligible to apply: 

  1. Applicants can be of any nationality.  
  2. Applicants must be planning to study for a PhD in Biochemistry or an allied biomedical science. 
  3. Applicants must be in the top 5% of PhD candidates. 
  4. Applicants must be able to demonstrate either of the following: 
  • Applicant’s promising research career has been interrupted for quite extraordinary non-academic reasons e.g. outbreak of war, outbreak of disease (e.g. global pandemic), having to flee from country of origin, becoming a refugee. 
  • Applicant must be ineligible for an award from public funds. 

Applications will reopen in Spring 2023 for funding towards the 2023/24 academic year.

The scholarship will cover fees at the home student’s rate and maintenance. International students will therefore need to find the balance of fees from other sources. Financial contribution from the host university will be looked upon favourably. 

The scholarship is usually offered in line with the UKRI/Research Council studentships. For the 2022/23 academic year, the scholarship is worth £20,658. 

The scholarship will be awarded for 1 year in the first instance but may be renewed up to a maximum tenure of 3 years. 

The Krebs Memorial Scholarship will be offered for the 2022/23 academic year, with the option of being extended if satisfactory supervisor reports are received. 

Applicants will be expected to have made prior arrangements with the university at which they intend to hold the award.  

During the application process, candidates will be required to upload a letter from the intended Supervisor, the Head of Department, and two academic referees. Applications will not be considered until all of these supporting letters are received – it is the applicants responsibility to ensure that these letters are received in time for the deadline. 

The Supervisor, Head of Department, and academic referees must be able to place the candidate in the top 5% of PhD candidates by providing an assessment of the candidates academic merit and confirm agreement to accept the applicant at the institution if the candidate is successful in their application. 

Contact us

For further information please get in touch with the Grants department.