Grants and Bursaries

International Sponsored Places

The Biochemical Society has occasional funding opportunities to help our members attend conferences with our international partner Societies. 

The Biochemical Society is sponsoring the registration costs of two of our outstanding Postgraduate or Early Career members to attend both the FEBS Young Scientist’s Forum from 6-8 July 2023 and the 47th FEBS Congress from 8-12 July 2023 in Tours, France. 

The FEBS Congress and Young Scientists Forum gives you the opportunity to make connections with European colleagues and discuss your work with an international audience.  More information about the 47th FEBS Congress can be read here and more details regarding the FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum can be seen here

The grant provides two Biochemical Society members with: 

  • Accommodation
  • Registration for both the 47th FEBS Congress and the Young Scientists’ Forum
  • Some meals and excursions
  • Up to £350 for travel costs

The theme for the Congress this year is Together in bioscience for a better future”. 

Next deadline

Applications will reopen in October 2023

The following criteria are required in order to be eligible for a sponsored place: 

  • Applicant must be a current Postgraduate or Early Career member of the Biochemical Society within the first five years of completing their PhD.
  • Applicant must submit a supporting letter from their supervisor.
  • Applicant must provide a single abstract that will be submitted to the YSF and 47th FEBS Congress if their application is successful. Both events should be attended.
  • Successful applicants must submit a report and photographs of the Congress to the Biochemical Society no later than 30 days after returning from the Congress.

Please note that applying for an International Sponsored Place will not affect your eligibility to apply for a General Travel Grant within the same calendar year. 

Thanks Biochemical Society for offering me such an amazing chance to attend the 46th FEBS Congress and the Young Scientist Forum 2022! I believe having an opportunity to attend this congress will inspire me in my academic studies by expanding my scientific knowledge from a number of international, innovative research groups conducting world leading research, and help build future scientific relationships and networks to maximise the impact of my work. I'm looking forward to attending the Congress next year!

Headshot of previous recipient, Chumin Zhou
Chumin Zhou

Previous recipient of an International sponsored place

Contact us

For further information please get in touch with the Grants department.


Related grants

Please find other related funding opportunities below.