Grants and Bursaries

Harden Bursaries

Our Harden Bursaries help students and scientists in the early stage of their career attend Harden Conferences, our residential research conference series focusing on specific specialist topics.

Not a member? Why not join today and receive discounted registration fees and the opportunity to apply for a bursary to help cover registration, travel, or accommodation costs!

Bursary funding available:

  • The exact value of Harden Bursaries and the criteria for which it can be spent varies for each Conference.
  • Harden Bursaries are often over-subscribed, and many applications are not accepted. Please do not make travel arrangements until you have been informed, in writing, that your application has been accepted.
  • If awarded, bursaries will be paid after the conference has taken place, and attendance has been confirmed.

How to Apply

The option to apply for a Harden bursary is within the abstract submission process.

To be eligible to apply: 

  • You must be a member of the Biochemical Society (or co-organizing Society, if applicable). If you are not a member, join today.  
  • Harden Bursaries are available for graduate students and those who gained their PhD in the last 5 years. Due to limited numbers, preference is given to senior graduate students.  
  • You must submit an abstract to the conference. 

Registration and abstract submission must be completed by the event’s early bird deadline. 

Please note: abstract submission does not count as registration. You will need to register and pay for the conference separately. 

Contact us

For further information please get in touch with the Grants department.


Related grants

Please find other related funding opportunities below.