Grants and Bursaries

Diversity in Science Grants

The Biochemical Society’s Diversity in Science Grants scheme provides grants of up to £500 to individuals, groups, charities or not-for profit organisations.

Help create and support a representative scientific community with our Diversity in Science Grants – open for applications until Monday 21 November 2022.

We are excited to hear from any individual or group with a project that will support and address issues relating to inclusion and diversity in science. You do not need to be a member of the Society to apply and you don’t need to be based in the UK; these grants are open to applicants from any country. Previous recipients of any of our grants are welcome to apply for funding from this scheme.

Next deadline

Applications close on 21 November 2022

To be eligible to apply: 

  • The project must support and address issues relating to inclusion and diversity in science.
  • This grant is open to all - you do not need to be a Biochemical Society member to apply.
  • These grants are open to applicants from any country.

Applicants will need to demonstrate:

  • An understanding of issues and challenges pertaining to diversity in science
  • An awareness of channels and networks which address diversity in science, through which any achievements arising from the grant may be disseminated
  • Originality and relevance of the proposed approach in addressing issues and challenges relating to diversity in science.
  • How you will evaluate the potential impact
  • Proven research capability and experience, if the grant is to be used to fund a research project
  • A defined time-period for the activity (for grants awarded in 2022 it is expected that the project will be completed by 31 October 2023).
  • Evidence of additional/future funding to ensure project sustainability if catalytic funding is being sought.

The reviewers will take into account the originality and relevance of the project, as well as evidence of the potential impact. 

Applications are considered once a year. The deadline for 2022 is 21 November.  

Please note we aim to send round the outcome of applications three to four weeks after the deadline.

What the Biochemical Society will fund

  • We welcome applications from any area of science, with funding available for projects that will be completed by 31 October 2024.
  • Applications are open to individuals, groups and charities from any country and irrespective of Society membership status. 

What the Biochemical Society will not fund

  • Multiple projects from the same lead applicant.
  • Projects duplicating existing research for which new research would not add value or insight.
  • Any expenses incurred before receipt of an offer letter.
  • Projects where the only costs are travel and/or refreshments.
  • Applications from commercial (for profit) organisations.
  • The Recipient must acknowledge the Biochemical Society grant by email within a week of receiving the offer email, otherwise the offer may be withdrawn.
  • The Biochemical Society logo will be provided by the Biochemical Society and must be displayed on all published material which arises from the grant project, either online or in print. At any event(s) which take place as a result of funding, the recipient must ensure any marketing materials provided by the Biochemical Society are displayed at all times.
  • The Biochemical Society cannot be held responsible for any of the Recipient’s debts or liabilities.
  • The Recipient is responsible for obtaining their own financial and legal advice. 
  • The Recipient must act in accordance with government legislation and is responsible for obtaining any licenses, permissions and insurances that are necessary by law.
  • In the case of original research being produced as a result of the Biochemical Society Diversity in Science grant scheme, the Biochemical Society must be acknowledged as the funder of this research in all publications. The intellectual property of the work will remain with the individual(s), groups, charities or businesses by whom it was carried out.

Contact us

For further information please get in touch with the Grants department.

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