
Our training activities allow participants to gain knowledge and skills in key areas of molecular bioscience and provide the opportunity to ask questions and discuss challenges with experts.

The Biochemical Society offers a programme of face-to-face training events and online training courses, enabling users to learn at their own pace and contribute to their professional development.

Training calendar

Explore our upcoming training events and online courses.

We welcome training proposals from any member of the scientific community, and these are considered by the Training Theme Panel and the relevant Research Areas three times a year.

Currently, our training activities encompass in person training events, over one or multiple days, online training events and online training courses.

Please note that at least one member of the Scientific Programme Committee (the organisers of the activity, aside from Biochemical Society staff) must be a member of the Biochemical Society.

Get in touch with the Education department if you have an idea for a training activity and would like further support.


Propose a training activity
Committee members sat around a table disucssing

Interested in contributing to our training programme?


Consider joining our Training Theme Panel, who commission, encourage, generate and review proposals for face to face training events and online courses throughout the year.

Training Theme Panel
  • Share your skills and expertise to help support the next generation of molecular bioscientists.

  • Gain experience to support your career development and learning.

  • Support your application for AdvanceHE Fellowship
    • Running a workshop is evidence of A1 to A4, K1, K4 and potentially V3 in an AdvanceHE Fellowship application.
    • Read our guide to applying for Associate Fellowship for molecular bioscientists.
    • Develop your network and find potential new collaborators.
  • Increase your visibility in your field and the molecular biosciences.

  • Full secretatriat and marketing support
    • Dedicated member of the Events Team assigned to your event or course.
    • Full support to market the event or course from the Marketing and Communications Team.
    • Support with the event or course content from the Education Team.
  • Complete the Training event or course proposal form.

  • Send the form to Training Theme Panel for feedback at least two weeks before the proposal deadline, via the Education, Public Engagement and Training Manager.

  • Following feedback from Training Theme Panel, submit your proposal. Please allow a minimum of 9 months (recommended 10-12 months or as long as possible), from submission to date of training event or course.

  • Training Theme Panel and relevant Research Areas will then consider your proposal, before passing to Education Committee for a final decision. This process can take up to 8 weeks.

  • You will be informed of the outcome of your proposal by the Education team.
Group of learners at a training event Group of learners at a training event

Got a training idea?

Find further information on the process and propose a training activity here.

Contact us

For further information on training or to discuss a proposal, please get in touch with the Education department.

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