
Research Area I - Genes

Research Area I covers the broad areas of DNA synthesis, repair, recombination and replication; RNA transcription, processing, translation, localisation and stability; genomics; chromosomes structure and dynamics; non-coding RNA; nucleic acid binding proteins; mutation; gene expression; epigenetics.

Research Area I - Genes

10 members

Image of Catherine Jopling
Chair / University of Nottingham
Catherine Jopling
Image of Julie Aspden
Vice-Chair / Leeds University
Julie Aspden
Image of Robbie Baldock
Early Career Representative / Portsmouth University
Robbie Baldock
Image of Matthew Brook
Committee Member / -
Matthew Brook
Image of Neville Gilhooly
Early Career Representative / University of Birmingham
Neville Gilhooly
Image of Charalampos Rallis
Committee Member / University of Essex
Charalampos Rallis
Image of Connor Rogerson
Committee Member / University of Cambridge
Connor Rogerson
Image of Garry Scarlett
Committee Member / Portsmouth University
Garry Scarlett
Image of Lakxmi Subramanian
Committee Member / Queen Mary University of London
Lakxmi Subramanian
Image of Krzysztof B. Wicher
Industry Representative / Macomics
Krzysztof B. Wicher