
Submit a proposal for a Biochemical Society scientific meeting, training event, Harden Conference and more.

What is a Biochemical Society Event?
The Biochemical Society offers a diverse programme of scientific meetings and training events, centred on the principles of openness and inclusion. The opportunity for scientists to share research and ideas with each other is vital to the progress of the molecular biosciences. Our events encourage opportunities to share knowledge and collaborate, providing support for a broad community of molecular bioscientists across all career stages.

Our events include scientific meetings, our flagship Harden Conferences, training events, online training courses, and webinars. We also welcome proposals for alternative events to our standard offering. 

You do the science, we do the rest!

If you would like to submit a proposal to request funding towards your independently organised meeting, please see our Sponsored Events page.

Submit your proposal

Deadlines to submit your proposal:

12 February 2023
22 May 2023
16 October 2023

The Society provides the services of its professional events team, who manage all logistical and operational aspects of the events programme at no charge. This will include, but is not limited to:

  • Venue selection – source and select venue, including negotiating best rates
  • Dates – to avoid competing events and fit with the events programme
  • Social events – arranging conference dinners and other social activities (where budget allows)
  • Source and book accommodation for invited speakers and options for delegates (if appropriate)
  • Sign all contracts
  • CPD application
  • Set and manage a breakeven budget and manage all financial transactions
  • Set the registration fees (which will include discounts for Society members)
  • Manage invited speaker registration
  • Manage abstract submission and communication
  • Manage delegate registration before and after an event
  • Arrange suitable catering and audio visual providers
  • Public liability insurance
  • Manage timelines
  • Create all marketing materials and promote the meeting through various media (such as social media, email and web)
  • Manage and secure sponsors and exhibitors
  • Manage the event onsite, including set-up, registration, and all onsite logistics
  • Manage all post-event review (including evaluation, communication, budgets, and data management)

“You do the science, we’ll do the rest!”

The Scientific Programme Committee are responsible for overseeing the scientific programme for the event, including:

  • Assessing abstracts (via blind review) and selecting submissions for oral communications and posters, if applicable
  • Making initial informal contact with invited speakers within the Society’s policies and guidelines
  • Actively assisting with promotion and awareness of the event
  • Assisting in raising additional sponsorship
  • Assisting with CPD application
  • Writing a short post-event report for The Biochemist
  • Adhering to timelines as set by the Biochemical Society

The Scientific Programme Committee commit to working with the Biochemical Society to produce the highest quality scientific events programme, aimed at enhancing delegates’ knowledge and understanding. 

When delivering an event with the Biochemical Society, you agree to:

  • Work to the terms and conditions detailed in this document
  • Meet set deadlines to ensure the successful promotion and running of the event
  • No more than 50% of presentation time given to invited speakers. The remainder of the time must be for oral communications elevated from abstracts
  • Create a balanced programme that considers diversity, equality and inclusivity, including
    • Gender
    • Career stage
    • Geographical representation
    • Broad representation of the people working in the molecular biosciences
    • Representation of the scientific breadth of the field
  • Informally invite speakers while leaving all communications regarding entitlements such as accommodation and travel contributions to the events team
  • Accept the placement of award speakers within the event programme if the subject area is deemed suitable/ appropriate
  • Actively promote the event to your networks
  • Explore potential sponsorship or funding opportunities where possible, especially where you are a member of other societies or have existing company contacts. The Society will negotiate and finalise all agreements
  • Not place yourself under any financial (or other) obligation to an outside individual or organisation that might influence you in the performance of your duties
  • Conduct yourself in a manner that does not damage or undermine the reputation of the Biochemical Society or its staff, individually or collectively
  • Adhere to relevant Data Protection and Privacy regulation/legislation under guidance from the Conference Office
  • Abide by all relevant Society policies such as:
    • Blind review of abstracts
    • Diverse and balanced programme of invited speakers
    • Breakeven budget
    • Events Code of Conduct
    • Livestreaming of scientific meetings

Submit your proposal

We welcome event proposals from any member of the scientific community, however please note that at least one member of the event Scientific Programme Committee must be a Member of the Biochemical Society. You can find further information for Scientific Programme Committees here.

Proposals submitted will be considered by Research Areas and/or Theme Panels (as appropriate) and then by Conferences Committee, or Education Committee for Training Events and Courses. Please note this process can take up to 8 weeks. 

From submission to date of event please allow 9 months for a Training event or course, 12 months for a Scientific Meeting, 15 months for a Harden Conference and 6 months for a Sponsored event.

Submit proposal

Without your excellent organisation and effort this meeting would not have been as good as it was – so thank you for all your work over the past few months.

Scientific programme committee member
Scientific Programme Committee member

Structural Mass Spectrometry of Membrane Proteins

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