
Career Options

Qualifications in molecular bioscience can lead to a multitude of careers in different fields.

There are endless options to choose from. You could work in research, healthcare, education, law, government, just to name a few. Use the resources on this page to explore your options and help you prepare for your next job or further education.

A day in the life of...

Explore The Biochemist's "A day in the life of..." series to get a sense of what different jobs are like day-to-day and the career paths people have taken to get there.

There are plenty of online tools that can help you choose a career path. Here are a few to try:

  •  Prospects is a careers website that offers advice on applying for university and careers. You can also take a quiz to explore your perfect career!

  • Further explore your career options using targetjobs, and understand what motivates and inspires you

  • Explore the STEM-related jobs that are out there on a dedicated STEM jobs website

  • Find resources for any career path at Become

Find out what to expect from a career in the sectors you are interested in by looking at careers websites, job adverts and asking your school or university careers office. Careers advisors can help you to find out what sort of work would be right for you. Our career profiles, as part of The Biochemist's "A day in the life of..." series can give you a sense of what different jobs are like day-to-day and the career paths people have taken to get there.

Read articles

Job fairs can give you a feel for the range of opportunities that are open to graduates. They allow you to speak directly with a wide range of employers and can help you to narrow down the job sectors.

As members of the Royal Society of Biology Careers Committee, we also support the annual Bioscience Careers Day

Whether you’ve firmly decided on your career path, or simply want to test the water before committing, work experience is incredibly useful when deciding and applying for a job. It allows you to talk to those already working in the field. Relevant work experience and internships are a great way to explore your career options and gain an insight into working in a particular role or company.

If you just completed your undergraduate degree, you don’t need to leave study. Postgraduate courses allow you to specialise further into a field that you enjoy, and many highly specialised, technical jobs require these postgraduate qualifications as a prerequisite.

A to Z of the Biosciences

Explore videos showcasing the diversity of roles and areas of expertise across the biosciences, from the Royal Society of Biology.

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