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Non-academic careers for molecular bioscientists

Video, Aug 06 2020

Biochemistry Focus Webinar Series

60 minutes

For those reaching the end of their studies or completing a piece of research and considering what happens next, hear from qualified scientists who have chosen a non-academic route for their career. 

James Brown, who has a background in biochemistry, and has previously worked as a school teacher, is now Public Engagement Project Management Officer at the University of Warwick, and discusses the wonderful world of science communication. Emma Pettengale achieved a Masters in Biomedical Sciences and since 2008 has worked in scientific publishing. Saleha Patel has previously worked in academia and for the last three years has worked as Senior Research Scientist at AstraZeneca; she provides an insight to working in industry. Neil Jones, a cell biologist by training, now manages a group focused on target validation and disease positioning at CRUK - Therapeutic Discovery Laboratories.

This webinar is chaired by Helen Watson, Associate Professor of Bioscience at the University of Plymouth, and Chair of the Society's Education, Training & Public Engagement Committee, who introduces the variety of career options. Each panellist provides a short overview of their career path, followed by an extended and varied Q&A session.