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Industry careers for molecular bioscientists

Video, Dec 10 2020

Biochemistry Focus Webinar Series

60 minutes

The latest webinar of 2020 in our Biochemistry Focus series was organized in association with ELRIG and explored career options in industry for bioscientists.

Our panel comprised representatives working in industry, in a few different roles, who have entered the sector through various routes:

• Gerard Collins, HR Director at Sosei Heptares.

• Scott Cribbes, Business Development Director - EMEAI at Nexcelom Bioscience and sits on a working group for ELRIG.

• Panchali Goswami, Scientific Investigator at GlaxoSmithKline.

• Jennifer Mitchell, Research Scientist at Redx Pharma and board member of ELRIG.

This session was chaired by Malcolm Weir, Executive Vice Chairman at Sosei Heptares and Chair of the Biochemical Society's Industry Advisory Panel.