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Disassembly of the replicative helicase in eukaryotic cells

Video, Jul 16 2020

Biochemistry Focus Webinar Series

60 minutes

Dr Sara Priego Moreno is one of the Biochemical Society’s 2020 Early Career Research Awards recipients.

Her research has focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern the poorly characterized termination stage of eukaryotic DNA replication. Using egg extracts from the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis to run in vitro DNA replication reactions, Sara was able to characterize for the first time the biochemistry underlying one of the most important events taking place during replication termination: Replisome disassembly upon replication forks convergence.

During this webinar Sara explains the current knowledge built from the last six years of research in regards to the mechanisms of CMG disassembly and their importance for the maintenance of genome integrity as well as emerging questions and future directions.

This webinar was chaired by Dr Martin Pool, from the University of Manchester, and the Biochemical Society’s Local Ambassador Representative.

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