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Developments in industrial biotechnology

Video, Nov 26 2020

Biochemistry Focus Webinar Series

60 minutes

The application of biotechnology to industrial processes is transforming the way we manufacture products. By maximising and optimising existing biochemical pathways, we are able to integrate the improvement of products with pollution prevention and resource conservation.

In this webinar, Chaired by Professor Anne Osbourn (OpenPlant, Cambridge / John Innes Centre) we hear from three researchers whose work aims to develop our understanding of the potential of industrial biotechnology and ultimately create the technologies required to implement a more sustainable bioeconomy.

Dr Leonardo Rios Solis (SynthSys, Edinburgh) presents on the use of microscale bioreactors to enable the high throughput testing required to characterise novel constructs and engineered strains in gene synthesis and DNA assembly.

Dr Katalin Kovacs (SBRC-Nottingham) talks about the metabolic engineering of the chemolithoautotrophic bacteria Cupriavidus necator H16 for the sustainable production of monomers and biopolymers.

Dr Mark Dunstan (SYNBIOCHEM, Manchester) outlines a recently developed pipeline for the rapid prototyping of microbial production strains towards the production of material monomers and fine and specialty chemicals.

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