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ADP-ribosylation signalling in health and disease

Video, Oct 24 2022

Biochemistry Focus webinar series

60 mins

At this webinar we will hear from the 2022 GlaxoSmithKline Award winner, Professor Ivan Ahel at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, UK.

Professor Ahel is the E.P. Abraham Professor of Chemical Pathology at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology. Ivan obtained his MSc in Biology at the University of Zagreb, Croatia in 2000, before undertaking a PhD with thesis work carried out at Yale University in Prof Dieter Söll’s group between 2000 and 2003. In 2004, Ivan joined the Cancer Research UK, London Research Institute as a postdoctoral Fellow in Dr Stephen West’s laboratory investigating novel DNA repair protein factors. He was appointed in 2009 as a Junior Group Leader at the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research in Manchester, before moving to the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, in 2013. General interest of Ivan’s laboratory centres on the basic cellular mechanisms underlying genome stability and the signalling mediated by the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) family of enzymes. Ivan’s laboratory has been funded by major grants from the Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance. Since 2012, Ivan is a member of the EMBO Young Investigator Programme and he is also recipient of the prestigious 2013 Cancer Research UK Future Leaders in Cancer Research Prize. In 2022, Ivan was elected as a member of EMBO in recognition of his leading contribution to the field ADP-ribosylation and genome stability. During his Award lecture, Dr Ahel will discuss his latest research in ADP-ribosylation signalling in health and disease.

The webinar will be chaired by Dr Vicky Higman, Research Fellow at University of Leicester, UK.

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