
Policy Advisory Panel

The Policy Advisory Panel guides the Society’s policy activities, developing and driving our objectives in the areas of science policy and public affairs.

The Panel proactively identifies scientific policy matters of relevance to the molecular biosciences, working closely with partner organisations and the Policy Network to inform and influence policymakers.

Policy Advisory Panel

6 members

Image of Dr Derry Mercer
Panel Chair and Honorary Policy Officer / NovaBiotics Ltd
Dr Derry Mercer
Image of Professor Anthony Maxwell
Ordinary Member / John Innes Centre
Professor Anthony Maxwell
Image of Dr Emma Yhnell
Ordinary Member / Cardiff University
Dr Emma Yhnell
Image of Dr Sandra Kirk
Ordinary Member / Nottingham Trent University
Dr Sandra Kirk
Image of Dr Tailise Carolina de Souza Guerreiro
Ordinary Member / University of Warwick
Dr Tailise Carolina de Souza Guerreiro
Image of Dr Zoe Angel
Ordinary Member / Ulster University
Dr Zoe Angel